
Showroom & Storehouse 開設のお知らせshowroom



The showroom of Chushin kobo was opened in the Ennouji area, it is a few minutes walk from the workshop in Do-machi town.
Looking from the outside it is a silver square box.
There is a sign in front of the building and to the left and right of the fence on the sign, there is a symbol of an iron kettle.
Since the staff are not resident in the showroom, please contact the workshop in advance of visiting it Sorry if this is inconvenient for you. (023- 625-4485) or E-mail (info@chushin-kobo.jp)
The showroom can be made available for viewing anytime between 10 am ~3 pm.
(Please make sure to pre-arrange this)

● 定休日
● アクセス
山交バス 天童温泉行(わくわくランド)または楯岡行山交ビル駅⇒北部公民館前下車 
● 駐車場

鋳心ノ工房(工房) 〒990-0051 山形市銅町2-1-12
ショールーム&倉庫 〒990-0052 山形市円応寺町9-10
TEL: 023-625-4485
FAX: 023-642-4101
E-mail: info@chushin-kobo.jp


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